1️⃣Getting $ on Vertex (Testnet)

Moving funds into Vertex Testnet is simple. Here's a quick tutorial to get started.

There are four broad steps:

  1. Get ETH on Goerli Testnet.

  2. Bridge Goerli ETH to Arbitrum Goerli.

  3. Mint USDC on Vertex Faucet.

  4. Deposit the minted USDC on Vertex.

We will cover each of them below.

You can also watch this tutorial as a video 👇

Step 1: Get Eth on Goerli Testnet

You need an Alchemy account to do this (if you don’t have one, signing up is very easy).

  • Log into your Alchemy account here on the Goerli faucet and paste your wallet address into the search bar.

  • Click “Send Me ETH” and the transaction will be confirmed momentarily.

You must be on the "Goerli Test Network” setting in your wallet to view the ETH in your wallet.

You can get on Goerli via the “Add network” wallet settings.

If Goerli does not appear, go into the Advanced Settings, scroll down to where it says “Show test networks,” and turn it on. At that point, you can see Goerli on the list of possible networks.

Step 2: Bridge your new Goerli Eth to Arbitrum Goerli

Here is the Arbitrum Bridge, which is used to bridge ETH to Arbitrum. You might be prompted to connect your wallet. Accept this connection.

Ensure you are on the Goerli test network in your wallet. This way, Arbitrum Bridge will automatically be bridging between Ethereum Goerli and Arbitrum Goerli. If you are not on Goerli, Arbitrum Bridge will be bridging from Ethereum Mainnet to Arbitrum.

If your wallet is not on Goerli, refer to Step 2 to change the network to Goerli.

On the browser, ensure the flow of funds is “From: Goerli” and “To: Arbitrum Goerli”

Enter the amount of Goerli Eth you want to bridge. Make sure you leave enough ETH to pay for gas!

The full transaction takes around 15 minutes to process.

When complete, you can switch your wallet to Arbitrum Goerli to see your ETH balance on Arbitrum Goerli. We will switch to Arbitrum Goerli in the next step, so don’t worry about it just yet.

Step 3: Mint USDC/wBTC on Vertex Faucet

There's a faucet for you to mint tokens to be deposited into Vertex and start trading.

For this step, you will need to connect to Vertex and make sure are on Arbitrum Goerli.

  • You can connect to Vertex by clicking on Start Trading or any of the wallet/social login providers.

Head to Vertex Faucet. You can also get there by clicking on the navigator bar and clicking on “Faucet.”

  • Please Note: The Faucet mints tokens ONLY. It DOES NOT deposit the USDC into Vertex. We will cover depositing in Step 4.

Then, click on “Switch to Arbitrum Goerli.” Accept the network switch when your wallet asks for confirmation.

At this point, you should be able to see the ETH balance on your wallet.

Click that purple “Mint 10 Tokens” button. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action because the transaction requires gas. When the transaction is confirmed, you will have 10 minted USDC.

  • Note: You will only see the testnet USDC in your wallet IF you have added the contract address.

  • Note: Even without the contract address, you can proceed to the next step and deposit.

Step 4: Deposit the minted USDC on Vertex

Now we'll deposit the testnet USDC into Vertex.

Head to Portfolio Overview. You can also get there by clicking on the navigator bar and clicking on “Overview.”

On the right side of the screen you will see a deposit action.

You can also deposit using the Balances tables + Deposit button.

Enter your desired deposit amount and confirm the transaction. Since we only minted 10 USDC we'll just deposit 10 here.

The USDC should appear in your portfolio balance.

That's all! Next up: Navigation.

Last updated