💻Testnet Walkthrough

How to access the Vertex testnet on Arbitrum Goerli.

What is Vertex?

Vertex is a powerful, cross-margined DEX for trading spot and perp products, borrowing assets, and earning on deposits. Launching on Arbitrum in Q1 of 2023, Vertex is currently on a public testnet and seeking user feedback to build the best trading experience possible.

Testnet Link: testnet.vertexprotocol.com

Key features:

  • Utilize all your capital across balances & positions into one margin account.

  • Leveraged spot and derivatives trading.

  • Extremely fast order book execution.

  • Integrated money market for borrowing and lending.

  • Robust risk engine for capital efficiency and risk management.

  • Complete and total self-custody of funds.

What is this Tutorial?

The Testnet Walkthrough is designed to get you started using Vertex. Following the subsequent tutorial, you can familiarize yourself with the Vertex app. Below are the sections we'll cover. You can examine each tutorial section independently or sequentially. Please feel free to use the tutorial as a resource throughout the testing period. More updates to the Gitbook will follow based on user feedback and forthcoming user manuals.

Last updated